YouTube Shorts Monetization Strategies: Youtube monetization requirements for shorts-Boost Your YouTube Shorts Profits with These Insider Tips 2024

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The Secret to Monetizing Your YouTube Shorts: Everything You Need to Know

The Secret to Monetizing Your YouTube Shorts

Learn about the essential criteria YouTube monetization requirements for shorts and start earning from your viral videos today! Discover the key eligibility requirements, ranging from video length to community guidelines, that you must meet to participate in the YouTube Partner Program. Find out how to optimize your short videos for maximum visibility and potential earnings. Discover the benefits of monetizing your shorts, such as earning ad revenue and accessing valuable analytics. Stay on top of the ever-evolving YouTube monetization policies with our comprehensive guide on making money on YouTube shorts. Start your journey to YouTube success now.

YouTube monetization requirements for shorts: YouTube Shorts Monetization Secrets

With the increasing popularity and reach of YouTube shorts, many content creators are wondering about the requirements for monetization. Monetizing your YouTube shorts can be a great way to earn passive income and grow your channel, but it’s important to understand the eligibility criteria and guidelines set by YouTube.

Firstly, to qualify for Shorts monetization, you need to have at least 1,000 subscribers on your YouTube channel. This subscriber threshold is in place to demonstrate that you have a dedicated and growing audience. Secondly, you must accumulate a minimum of 10 million views on your Shorts within the last 90 days. This view count showcases that your short videos are resonating with viewers and have the potential to attract advertisers.

YouTube monetization requirements for shorts

Thirdly, you need to be a part of the YouTube Partner Program (YPP). Being a YPP member means that you’re compliant with YouTube’s community guidelines and copyright policies, providing a safe and respectful environment for your viewers. To initiate the process of applying for YouTube Shorts monetization, you first need to join the YPP. Joining the YPP involves fulfilling another set of prerequisites: reaching at least 1,000 subscribers and amassing 4,000 watch hours on your channel in the last 12 months, or achieving 10 million Shorts views in the last 90 days.

Once you’ve met all these conditions and become a YPP member, you can navigate to YouTube Studio and access the “Monetization” tab. Here, under “YouTube Shorts monetization,” you can click on “Apply.” After reviewing and accepting the terms and conditions, your application will undergo a brief evaluation process, usually taking a few weeks. If your application is approved, you can begin earning money from your YouTube Shorts videos, making your creative efforts financially rewarding.

What are the different ways to monetize your YouTube Shorts?

YouTube Shorts is a great way to create and share short-form videos with your audience. But did you know that you can also monetize your YouTube Shorts videos?

There are a few different ways to monetize your YouTube Shorts videos. The most common way is to join the YouTube Partner Program (YPP). To join the YPP, you need to have at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours on your channel in the last 12 months, or 10 million Shorts views in the last 90 days. Once you’re a member of the YPP, you can enable monetization for your Shorts videos. This will allow you to earn money from ads that play before, during, or after your Shorts.

What are the different ways to monetize your YouTube Shorts

Another way to monetize your YouTube Shorts videos is to use Super Stickers. Super Stickers are animated stickers that viewers can purchase to show their support for your videos. You’ll earn a portion of the revenue from each Super Sticker purchase. To use Super Stickers, you need to be a member of the YPP and have enabled monetization for your Shorts videos.

You can also monetize your YouTube Shorts videos through Channel Memberships. Channel Memberships allow viewers to support your channel on a monthly basis. Members get exclusive perks, such as badges, emojis, and early access to videos. You can also offer members-only Shorts videos. To use Channel Memberships, you need to have at least 1,000 subscribers.

Finally, if you have a large audience, you can reach out to brands and collaborate on sponsored Shorts videos. Brands are always looking for new and creative ways to promote their products and services, and Short videos are a great way to do that. To get started with brand deals, you can create a media kit that highlights your channel’s stats and audience demographics.

In addition to these methods, there are a few other ways to monetize your YouTube Shorts videos, such as affiliate marketing, selling merchandise, and fan funding. However, these methods may not be as effective as the methods listed above, especially if you’re just starting out.

No matter which monetization method you choose, it’s important to create high-quality Shorts videos that engage your audience. If you can do that, you’ll be well on your way to earning money from your YouTube Shorts videos.

How to Track Your YouTube Shorts Monetization Progress

Tracking your YouTube Shorts monetization progress is a great way to see how well your Shorts videos are performing and to identify areas where you can improve. By tracking the right metrics and understanding your earnings, you can optimize your Shorts videos and maximize your earnings.

To track your YouTube Shorts monetization progress, you can use the YouTube Analytics dashboard.

How to Track Your YouTube Shorts Monetization Progress

Here are the steps:

Go to YouTube Studio and click on the Analytics tab.
In the left-hand menu, click on Revenue.
Under Shorts revenue, you’ll see a variety of metrics that you can use to track your progress.

Troubleshooting tips for YouTube Shorts monetization

Discover effective troubleshooting tips for YouTube Shorts monetization. Learn how to resolve common issues and ensure your short videos meet the necessary requirements for monetization success.

Make sure you meet the eligibility requirements. To be eligible for YouTube Shorts monetization, you must:

Have at least 1,000 subscribers.
Have at least 10 million Shorts views in the last 90 days.
Be a member of the YouTube Partner Program (YPP).

Make sure your Shorts are monetizable. Not all Shorts are eligible for monetization. To be monetizable, your Shorts must:

Be original content.
Follow YouTube’s Community Guidelines.
Not be reuploaded from other platforms.
Not be compilations without original content added.
Not copyrighted content.

To enable monetization for your Shorts, go to YouTube Studio, click on Monetization in the menu, and choose YouTube Shorts monetization. Then, review and accept the terms and conditions. Check your YouTube Analytics for issues. This tool shows how your Shorts are doing. For instance, you can see if your Shorts are getting enough views if your CPM (earnings per thousand views) is good, and if there are any copyright problems.

If you encounter common issues, like low views or a low CPM, here’s what you can do:

  • Low Views: If your Shorts aren’t getting enough views, create content that appeals to your audience, use relevant keywords in your titles and descriptions, and share your Shorts on social media.
  • Low CPM: A low CPM can happen because of your niche, your audience, or the type of ads shown. To increase your CPM, make Shorts that attract advertisers and use keywords that bring in high-paying ads.
  • Copyright Violations: Having copyrighted material you don’t have permission to use can be a problem. To fix this, remove the copyrighted content or get permission from the owner.

If you still have trouble with YouTube Shorts monetization, contact YouTube support for help. They can guide you and resolve any issues.

How to appeal a rejected YouTube Shorts monetization application

If your request to make money from your YouTube Shorts was denied, you can try to change their minds. First, go to YouTube Studio. Next, click on “Monetization” on the menu to the left. Find “YouTube Shorts monetization” and click “Appeal.” Now, check why they said no, and explain why you think they should say yes in detail. After that, click “Submit appeal.” They’ll think it over and let you know within 14 days.

How to appeal a rejected YouTube Shorts monetization application

If your appeal is successful, YouTube will approve your application and you will be able to start monetizing your Shorts videos. If your appeal is rejected, you must wait at least 30 days before applying for Shorts monetization again.

How to avoid copyright strikes on your YouTube Shorts?

To ensure you don’t run into copyright problems on your YouTube Shorts, here are some straightforward guidelines to follow. First, use content that you create yourself. This means everything in your Shorts should be your original work, and you shouldn’t use copyrighted material from others, including music, videos, images, or text.

If you wish to use someone else’s content, like a song or an image, make sure to get permission from the copyright holder. You can do this by reaching out directly to them or by using a licensing service. Alternatively, consider using material with a Creative Commons license, which allows creators to specify how their work can be used.

To avoid issues, always give credit by citing your sources in the description if you incorporate copyrighted material into your Shorts. Keep in mind YouTube’s Content ID system, which identifies copyrighted material in videos. If your Shorts include copyrighted content, you might receive a Content ID notification. You can choose to dispute the claim or remove the copyrighted elements from your Shorts.

Here are some additional tips to stay clear of copyright strikes on your YouTube Shorts:

Be cautious when using music, one of the most common types of copyrighted material.
Exercise care when including images, as they can also be copyrighted.
Be careful when using text in your Shorts. Text can also be copyrighted material.

Additionally, keeping track of the copyright status of the material you use in your Shorts is a good practice to prevent copyright claims in the future. By adhering to these simple guidelines, you can steer clear of copyright issues and enjoy creating content on YouTube Shorts without worries.

How to use Super Stickers for YouTube Shorts?

Super Stickers are animated stickers that viewers can purchase to show their support for your YouTube Shorts videos. You can earn a portion of the revenue from each Super Sticker purchase.

To use Super Stickers for YouTube Shorts, you must be a member of the YouTube Partner Program (YPP) and have enabled monetization for your Shorts videos.

How to use Super Stickers for YouTube Shorts

To enable Super Stickers for your Shorts videos:

Go to YouTube Studio.
Click on Monetization in the left-hand menu.
Under YouTube Shorts monetization, click on Edit.
Under Super Stickers, toggle the switch to On.
Click Save.

Once you have enabled Super Stickers for your Shorts videos, viewers will be able to purchase Super Stickers to send to you during your live streams and Shorts videos.

To purchase Super Stickers:

During a live stream or Shorts video, click on the Super Stickers icon in the chat box.
Select the Super Sticker you want to purchase and click on Buy.
Enter your payment information and click on Pay.

Once a viewer purchases a Super Sticker, it will appear on the screen and you will receive a notification. You can view your Super Sticker earnings in your YouTube Analytics dashboard.

How to promote your YouTube Shorts to get more views and subscribers?

To effectively promote your YouTube Shorts, you must utilize the power of relevant keywords like “How to promote your YouTube Shorts to get more views and subscribers”. First, optimize your Shorts title and description with these keywords to increase visibility. Share your Shorts on social media platforms and collaborate with influencers to reach a wider audience. Additionally, engage with your viewers by asking for likes, comments, and shares. Finally, create eye-catching thumbnails that entice viewers to click and watch your Shorts. By implementing these SEO tactics, you can attract more views and subscribers to your YouTube Shorts.

How to get 1,000 subscribers and 10 million Shorts views?

Discover the path to YouTube success by gaining 1,000 subscribers and 10 million Shorts views. Learn effective strategies to grow your channel and Shorts content, including audience engagement, optimizing video titles, descriptions, and tags, and promoting your Shorts on various platforms for increased visibility and reach.

Here are some tips to get 1,000 subscribers and 10 million Shorts views:

The specific number of Shorts you should post per day (at least one, but more is better).
The specific social media platforms you should promote your Shorts on (Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, Facebook groups, and subreddits).
The specific types of YouTube Shorts ads you can run (targeted to demographics, interests, and keywords).
The additional tip is to use trending hashtags.

How to set up Channel Memberships for your YouTube Shorts channel?

Learn how to establish Channel Memberships for your YouTube Shorts channel. This feature allows your subscribers to enjoy exclusive perks and support your content. Set it up to engage your audience and enhance your Shorts channel experience.

How to set up Channel Memberships for your YouTube Shorts channel

you can follow these steps to set up Channel Memberships for your YouTube Shorts channel:

Go to YouTube Studio.
Click on Monetization in the left-hand menu.
Under Channel memberships, click on Get Started.
Follow the on-screen instructions to set up your membership tiers and perks.
Once you have finished setting up your membership tiers and perks, click on Publish.

Once you have published your membership tiers and perks, your viewers will be able to sign up for Channel Memberships on your channel.

How to earn money from brand deals on YouTube Shorts?

To earn money from brand deals on YouTube Shorts, you need to have a large and engaged audience. Brands are looking to partner with creators who can reach a large number of people and promote their products or services in a positive light.

Here are some tips for getting brand deals on YouTube Shorts:

Create high-quality, engaging Shorts that are relevant to your target audience.
Use relevant keywords in your titles and descriptions.
Post Shorts regularly.
Promote your Shorts on social media.
Collaborate with other YouTubers.
Experiment with different types of Shorts.
Use analytics to track your progress.

What are the benefits of monetizing your YouTube Shorts?

Monetizing your YouTube shorts can bring in a multitude of benefits for content creators. Not only does it allow you to earn revenue from your short videos, but it also opens up opportunities for growth and engagement. By implementing the right keywords and strategies, you can maximize the potential of your YouTube shorts and reap the rewards. As you monetize your shorts, you can increase your channel’s visibility, gain a wider audience, and attract potential brand collaborations. Furthermore, this can also serve as a motivation to consistently create high-quality content, leading to the overall improvement of your channel. Monetizing your YouTube shorts truly has its perks, so take advantage of it now.

How to use copyright-free music for YouTube Shorts?

Learn how to enhance your YouTube Shorts with copyright-free music. Discover the steps to find and use music that won’t cause copyright issues, ensuring your content remains hassle-free and your creativity shines through without limitations.

To use copyright-free music in your YouTube Shorts video, follow these steps:

  • Find music from copyright-free sources like Bensound, Pixabay, Free Music Archive, Epidemic Sound, or YouTube’s Audio Library.
  • Select a song that suits your video from the library.
  • Download the song in a format compatible with YouTube Shorts (usually MP3 or WAV).
  • Add the downloaded song to your YouTube Shorts video during the creation process.

Always double-check the song’s copyright status by reviewing its license agreement or contacting the copyright holder, even if it’s labeled as copyright-free. This ensures you won’t face any copyright issues in your video.

How to get your YouTube Shorts featured on the Shorts feed?

There is no guaranteed way to get your YouTube Shorts featured on the Shorts feed, but there are a few things you can do to increase your chances:

Getting your YouTube Shorts featured on the Shorts feed is to create high-quality Shorts that viewers will enjoy. This means using good video and audio quality, editing your Shorts carefully, and adding interesting and engaging content. When a new trend is popular on the Shorts feed, try creating a Short that participates in that trend.


YouTube Shorts monetization requirements are relatively easy to meet, especially with the recent changes to the YouTube Partner Program. However, it is important to note that even if you meet all of the requirements, there is no guarantee that your Shorts will be monetized. YouTube still needs to review your channel and content to make sure that they are compliant with all of their policies and guidelines.


Here are some commonly asked questions about Youtube monetization requirements for shorts:

What are the requirements for monetizing YouTube Shorts?

To monetize YouTube Shorts, you must meet the following requirements:

Be a member of the YouTube Partner Program (YPP)
Have at least 1,000 subscribers
Have at least 10 million valid public Shorts views in the last 90 days or 4,000 valid public watch hours of long-form videos in the last 12 months
Follow all of YouTube’s monetization policies and guidelines

How do I join the YouTube Partner Program (YPP)?

To join the YouTube Partner Program, you must meet the following requirements:

Have at least 1,000 subscribers
Have at least 4,000 valid public watch hours in the last 12 months
Have a public account that complies with all of YouTube’s policies and guidelines

What are valid Youtube Shorts views?

Valid Shorts views are views from unique viewers that have watched at least 30 seconds of your Short. Views from bots, spam accounts, or other invalid sources will not count towards your monetization requirements.

What are valid long-form YouTube watch hours?

Valid long-form watch hours are watch hours from public videos that are at least 10 minutes long. Watch hours from private videos, community posts, or live streams will not count towards your monetization requirements.

How long does it take to get approved for YouTube Shorts monetization?

Once you have met all of the monetization requirements, it can take up to 30 days for your channel to be reviewed and approved.

What happens if I get rejected for YouTube Shorts monetization?

If you are rejected for Shorts monetization, you will receive an email from YouTube explaining the reason for the rejection. You can then make the necessary changes to your channel and reapply for monetization after 30 days.

How much money can I make from Youtube Shorts monetization?

The amount of money you can make from Shorts monetization will vary depending on a number of factors, such as the number of views your Shorts receive, the country where your viewers are located, and the type of ads that are displayed on your Shorts.

How do I get paid from Youtube Shorts monetization?

If you are eligible for Shorts monetization, you will be paid on the 21st day of each month for the previous month’s earnings. You can receive your payments through PayPal, bank transfer, or wire transfer.

What are some tips for increasing my chances of getting approved for Youtube Shorts monetization?

Here are some tips for increasing your chances of getting approved for Shorts monetization:

Create high-quality Shorts that are engaging and enjoyable to watch.
Use relevant hashtags to help viewers find your Shorts.
Post Shorts regularly.
Interact with your audience by responding to comments and questions.
Follow all of YouTube’s monetization policies and guidelines.

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